There are many ways that people can start their career in radio production. Some start their radio career by producing their own original content (radio shows, documentaries, podcasts, etc.) and build up a following, which then leads to other opportunities (producing content for others, being offered editing work, etc). Some start volunteering on community, online or hospital radio to gain experience and then move on to commercial stations and paid employment. Some may start their career in radio production as a researcher, team assistant or assistant producer on a show and work their way up until they are the producer. Others may gain an internship at a radio station or production company and make connections/build relationships which allow them to progress their career. Whichever route you end up taking, it is wise to start gaining as much experience as possible to increase your skills – see if you can volunteer at a radio station where you can develop your technical skills – e.g. online radio or community radio. Apply for work experience – e.g. at a commercial radio station or an independent production company that produces content for a range of clients. This could mean that you gain experience working on a diverse range of shows and help you decide on your preferred career path.
Start networking with those in the industry – do you know anyone who already works in radio? See if you could shadow them for a day or two to observe their work. They might need assistance with some editing or administrative tasks – why not ask whether you can get involved to gain experience? Who knows where it may lead? Often, proving you are capable and have the right skills is all it takes for people to realise you are employable. Sign up for our Radio, Audio & Podcasting course at Point Blank, which will allow you to learn a wide range of transferable skills and will prepare you for working in the industry – from creating pitches, planning, and researching shows, presenting, and understanding how the industry operates. It will also enable you to start building industry connections.