In one sense, you’re a songwriter the moment you write your first song! Never forget that songwriting is something we do because we’re passionate about it, and so it’s important to remind yourself that you’re still a songwriter even if it’s not your main source of income. However, in terms of how long it takes have a full-time career in songwriting, it can vary. Occasionally, you may get lucky and have a publisher pick up your song for a trending artist early in your career, and that’s a wonderful feeling. This, though, is the exception, rather than the rule. Publishers, producers, and labels will often want to hire writers with a proven track record over someone ‘fresh,’ and so building a portfolio can take time. This is why it’s important to say ‘yes!’ to as many opportunities as you can in your early career, and to keep writing for yourself too, and sharing the results online. I have been writing songs for myself for over twenty years, and professionally for about ten. After around five years, I could happily say that songwriting/composing (with a little bit of performing and musical directing thrown in!) made up a comfortable full-time income. So, don’t get disheartened if you don’t ‘make it big’ straight out of school! This is perfectly normal. But patience, perseverance, and commitment will lead you to where you want to be. By the way – I don’t know any writers who think they’ve ‘completed’ songwriting. There’s always room to learn more. Always room to improve your skills. Always a desire to write something wonderful. It’s the journey that matters!