There are many different makes and models of DJ equipment, but the industry standard equipment, used by most professionals (and found in most credible venues), is made by Pioneer DJ. A basic DJ set up (a software-reliant DJ controller at the lower end of the scale) can be purchased for around £140. E.g., a Pioneer DDJ 200. The club-standard Pioneer CDJ 3000 costs around £2169 per unit, and the Pioneer DJM-A9 mixer costs around £2469 - so the cost for a professional-level set up would be around £6800. However, it is not always necessary to own the same equipment you use at venues (though it can be an advantage). Many professional DJs do not own the highest spec set-up and practise on something that may have similar features but is less expensive – such as an all-in-one unit (like the Pioneer XDJ RX3, which retails for around £1700). Other costs involved in being a DJ can include purchasing music, travel, associated equipment such as USB keys/hard drives, headphones, bags etc.